Found in Marcia Schuyler


Washington Irving's Life of ColumbusThe author of Marcia's copy of "Life of Columbus" is likely an error. Heather, a GLH reader, recently emailed us and suggested this:  

A very famous The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (sometimes referred to as Life of Columbus) was published by Washington Irving in 1828. John Marshall was an American who fought in the Revolutionary War and eventually served in the Supreme Court, dying in 1835 (Irving died 1859). But the interesting point is that both Marshall and Irving published multivolume works on the life of George Washington, in 1805-07 (resissued as a condensed version in '32) and 1855-59 respectively. My theory is that in jotting down the list of books that Marcia studies, Hill either wrote Columbus when she meant Washington or confused Irving and Marshall. Two biographers writing in roughly the same period could quite easily be confused, particularly since Hill's story only mentions the title and does not deal with the content of the work.

While it's always possible that Grace made the mistake, it's more likely that it was an error when the book was typeset. Errors caught once the book was past a certain stage in the process were expensive to correct and often came out of the author's royalties. Maybe it was never caught or maybe it was decided that it wasn't such a big deal. They just weren't thinking ahead 100 years to our fruitless searches for this book!

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